Wednesday, June 12, 2013

All We Have Left of Our Wedding

After we got a CD of our wedding pictures two years ago, I spent hours painstakingly creating our wedding album on AdoramaPix. The book turned out beautifully — hard cover, thick and lustrous photo paper, bright imaging — and it has sat on our coffee table ever since, where we could flip through it any time we wanted.

A few days ago, Matt started flipping through it and about halfway through, he noticed that some of the pages were starting to stick together. And when we gently tried to pull them apart, the top layer of the photo paper started ripping off, still stuck to the opposite page.

Don't see it?

How about now? 

Then the pages started getting more and more stuck and ripping larger and larger areas of the pages, so eventually we stopped trying to open the pages and just left them stuck together. Which kind of defeats the purpose of having an album, but I just couldn't watch Matt try to pull the pages apart anymore, because no matter how careful we were, you could hear and see the pages ripping.

I really don't know what happened to make it do this. We've taken great care to never let anything happen to this book, and it opened just fine even a couple of weeks ago, when I looked through it on our anniversary. Even that one time I spilled water on the coffee table, none of the liquid actually touched our album, since we had other books underneath it.

It makes me sad that our album now has these torn places, and I'll never be able to look through it and not see those spots. Matt and I looked at what it would cost to reprint the book, but we just don't have an extra $100 laying around for a new copy. I'm just super bummed that there's not an easy fix for this.

What would you do if this happened to you? Would you suck it up and live with the torn spots, or would you re-order?


EDIT 7/10/13: I got in touch with AdoramaPix. They replaced the album (I only paid shipping) and gave me some helpful tips for protecting their photo books. I am very impressed with their customer service.


  1. I'd contact the company and express your disappointment at the fact that their (relatively expensive) product didn't hold up for TWO years under completely normal conditions. Squeaky wheel, right?

  2. I agree with Jill on contacting the company. I've heard good reviews from that company (but have never used them)so hopefully they would want to work with you to remedy the problem.

  3. Ugh, that sucks! I'm agreeing with the wise ladies above, I would contact Adoramapix and let them know this happened. It definitely doesn't seem normal, and theoretically they should stand behind their products 100% and find some way to help you since yours appears to be defective.

  4. Oh no! I ordered our albums from them too. I would definitely contact the company because those books are not cheap at all! I've found that they have good customer service, so I would definitely think that they would be helpful with this issue.

  5. Another vote for contacting the company! I have a few books from them also. Need to go check on them tonight!

  6. Thanks ladies. My first thought was to contact them too, but then I started second-guessing myself. Like, I don't know that it's really their FAULT, per se? Ack.

    1. You know, it couldn't hurt to try! Companies like that rely on word-of-mouth advertising, which makes their customer service more willing to replace things like that. I'm always surprised with the things companies will do if you ask!
      Sorry that happened, though. So sad!

  7. I can't believe this happened, it worries me because so many people love their products. I hope you contact them, if anything they need to be aware of this issue.

  8. I would tweet about it. That way they'll see it, but you don't necessarily have to be mean. Something like "Oh no! My wedding album pages are sticking together!" Not "Ugh Adoramapix sucks."

    1. That's a good idea, because I really don't think they suck! I love our album and just want it to be okay! I'll try that.

  9. No worries, just email me at Sorry for the inconvenience, but yes that type of tearing is typical of moisture either in the air or from a droplets of water. It happens - we'll replace it for you no problem. It's your special day, we want you to remember it that way. - Libby

    1. Oh thank you thank you thank you! That is so nice of AdoramaPix. You are WONDERFUL! :)
