I love trivia, even though I am not great at it, so I was pumped he suggested it. I love learning random facts! Thankfully, all four of us have different sets of knowledge, so right off the bat, our team (which we dubbed Team Win-Win-Win) had a good chance of living up to its namesake. The prize? The bar pays off your tab. Pretty sweet deal!
There were seven rounds, each with a different category, and right out of the gate, Team Win-Win-Win took the lead! There were categories for sports, for advertising slogans, for famous faces, and for random odds and ends. We lost the lead a few times, but kept sliding back into the top three teams.
We didn't end up winning; we came in second place to a team called The United States of Canada, but it was close enough that we threw out our original plan of heading out early like ol' tired folks in favor of staying all night to see if we could win. Worth it, even if we had to pay our tab at the end. :)
Do you like playing trivia? What categories are your favorites?
sounds like a fun night to me, win or not :) and such gorgeous photographs - y'all look so happy!