Friday, April 12, 2013

I Really Hate Wal-Mart

So. They're building a Wal-Mart a few blocks from our house. I'm not sure why, because there are already two Wal-Marts within five miles of us. In fact, one of the other Wal-Marts is on the same road as the new one, about 10 minutes away from it. And if you go like three minutes further, there's a Target. And I will ALWAYS drive the extra three minutes to go to Target instead. And if it's after 10 p.m. and Target is closed, then I'll just wait until the next day to get whatever it is I need.

The new Wal-Mart is scheduled to open in 2014. I reveled in the fact that we were going to be long gone by the time its doors actually opened and made this part of town a nightmare, because Matt was going to graduate in December 2013, and then he'd get a job somewhere and we'd move.

But now it's looking like he won't graduate until May 2014.

I'm fine with staying here a little longer. It's not a big deal, and we knew that December was more of a fingers-crossed date than a set-in-stone one. I'm just a little disappointed. I really don't want my new neighbor to be a Wal-Mart.


  1. It is supposed to stimulate growth on that side of town. If Wal-mart goes there, other stores will hopefully follow and they can build that whole side of town up more. From what I remember last summer, it isn't going to be as large of a store.

    1. Thank goodness, I don't really want this side of town to get super busy!

  2. I really hate Wal-Mart,too! And I always drive farther to Target or live in towns that don't even allow Wal-Mart in. And I'm from a town that has 5 or something ridiculous.

  3. I hate Wal-Mart, too! I used to shop their where I was in college (because I was broke), but then I took a Business Ethics class and we read the Wal-Mart Effect and I was horrified.

    I do love Target, though! But it's kind of the worse! If I'm running in to get milk, I always end up like spending $50 or something! Every single time! It's unavoidable hahaha.

    1. I don't even know what the Wal-Mart effect is, I just always end up pissed off every time I go into one.

  4. It makes me so happy that there are no Wal-marts in our area, I don't miss them at all!

  5. I live in College Station right now, close to a Wal-Mart that was opened right before we moved in. I don't know if it's just a coincidence, but our neighborhood has turned from very quiet and peaceful to...not peaceful. Like, cops showing up at one in the morning kind of not-peaceful.
    Personally, I hate Wal-Mart too so I vote with my wallet and shop at Kroger or HEB instead. It might cost a little bit more, but it saves me a whole lot of waiting in line.

    1. Oh that's terrifying! And we already don't live in the nicest neighborhood ever...

      Also this is nerdy but I'm really excited that you're also in CS, because I have a hard time connecting with other bloggers because we're so far away from everywhere else! Thanks for commenting! :)
